Sunday, February 28, 2010
Happy Love Day!
In that pile, you'll find:
- A plethora of 6x6 papers that make me smile...some are DCWV, some are Autumn Leaves/Paperabilities, some are Me & My Big Ideas, and some are unknown...all are from various stacks in my stash, and all are loved by me - and that pile is 5.5 inches high!
- 4 pretty little spice jars packed full of various flowers, buttons, baubles, ribbons and trims...
- A set of 4 glass coasters to leave as is, or alter as you see fit...
- 2 SU! Skinny Silver Tins...
- 2 packs of adhesive rhinestones in my most favorite colours (hot pink & teal)
- 1 pack of mixed colour adhesive half-pearls
AND...STAMPS!!!! In the photo, you'll find 4 (all new):
- 'Changito Love Balloon' by Stampendous!
- 'Charlotte's Valentine' by Little Loud Stamps (found at PaperWorks Co.)
- 'Savannah' by The Greeting Farm
- 'XOXO' clear stamp by Imaginisce
And, even though it's not in the photo, I can't leave out my beloved Bombshells! I'll be putting in at least one set of the lovelies...but it could be two. I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite! That's it! Maybe... or maybe not. Depends on what else I may or may not find before this is over!!!!
So what do I want from you? This:
1. Leave me a comment (let me know you want to be entered)
2. Spread the word, if you can (a post and/or sidebar link would be nice)
3. Feel free to 'follow' me if you are actually interested in this blog. Don't follow me just 'cause you want the goodies - BUT followers will get an extra entry because I {heart} ya!
So there ya go - a quick shot at 3 easy entries! I might draw randomly... I might put the names in a hat & let Emily pick...I haven't decided yet.
This candy will be open until 11:59 PM CST on February 28; I'll post the winner by noon March 1st.
Good Luck, and Happy Love Day!
ETA: I have also added the following:
- 'September Rythym' by Sweet Pea Stamps (because I'm a Sept. baby!)
- 'Forest Blue' by Sweet Pea Stamps (because I think she's beautiful!)
- 'Mermaid Treasure' by Bombshell Stamps (because I love her, and her accessories are awesome!!)
ETA (again - 2/23): I'm adding MORE!
- Pink Parts found object kit by Gauche Alchemy
- another jar of ribbons...
ETA (AGAIN! 2/25): WOOOO HOOOO! I'm at 120+ Followers! I think at this point, I'm going to choose an additonal 6 names at random, after the big drawing, to each win a little something as well! (And for every 20 followers after that, I'll pull another name.)
Thanks, Everyone!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Friday, February 26
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Oh, Alice! Challenge #1 - Glam It Up!

So I finally got my entry made for the the very first ever Oh, Alice challenge. I have to say, again, that it's not my favorite. I had the image coloured (and I DO love it) however, once it was done, I had no idea what to do with it! All that shimmer you see isn't really that chunky and weird looking; it's Spica pen, so IRL its very subtle. Lots of shimmer & shine on this one... and if you're wondering how this is related at all to the inspiration piece, it's all about the caterpillar.

And yes, I know I already posted this as part of the Bombshell Hump Day Hop, but instead of overloading that post, I'm just reposting this here. It's glam, it's blue (Alice's dress is the inspiration there) and black (the makeup case is where that's from). And, it follows PaperWorks Co's Sunday Sketch #21. In case you didn't see/aren't planning on looking at the Hop post, the deets are:
silver tin, painted with acylic paint; Doodlebug Sugar Coating glitter sprinkled on when the paint was still wet; old BoBunny paper - I think I bought something like 20 sheets each of the pink, blue & green designs, because I love them so much (I will definitely cry when I run out); Bombshell's Mermaid Treasure set; and blue rhinestones.
Can't hardly wait for the next Alice challenge! Thanks for stopping by!
Bombshell February Hop!
And since I've decided I really, really, really am not happy with this card, check back around 9am CST - it's midnight now, I'm in the middle of a way cooler project, and I'll add it in the morning, once there's sunlight! (All the better to photograph you with, my dear...muahahahahahaaaaaaaaa.....)
It's a little SU! skinny silver tin (also like in the candy); I bought something like 50 of the suckers, so it's time to get using them! I painted it with two coats of acrylic paint, and while the second coat was still wet, I sprinkled on some Doodlebug Sugar Coating glitter that was the same blue. Then I PUNCHED two 2" circles and one 2.5" circle, coloured & cut out my mermaid & attached everything with Tacky Tape (yum!). And of course, I couldn't forget the bling!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Just a Quickie & a FAQ! (lol - say it out loud - that sounds terrible!)
I also wanted to answer a couple of questions that were asked in the comments; I tried to go & personally respond to them, but a couple of people don't seem to have blogs or any 'public' way to contact
Q: Is this an International Candy?
A: Yep, sure is!
Q: Do you scrapbook, too?
A: Nope; I really SHOULD, but I'm too lazy. Cards & 3-D projects are way more 'instantantly gratifying' - and 90% of the time, anything I make is for someone. I like to craft with a!
And...that's it so far - if there are any more questions that need to be answered, I'll just add them to this post.
Thanks again, and BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Thinking of You...

Friday, February 19, 2010
Can I Vent Here For A Minute?
What's my problem?!
Seriously. I am completely irate that this man has been forced to apologize to anyone other than his wife and his children!!!! The whole freakin' ordeal is about his relationship with his wife & kids (or lack thereof) - who gives a damn about his fans, the media, and his employees?!?!?! The man slept with a few (dozen) women - ALL of whom were apparently willing participants! He did not rape, beat, murder, or physically harm anyone... he did, however, mentally and emotionally hurt his wife and children. In my opinion, he should be making one hell of an effort to apologize to & repair his relationship with his wife and kids - and every single one of the women he slept with should be apologizing to Elin & the kids, too!
And then, since I'm going to run under the assumption that every woman he slept with is also rich, every single one of them should be forced to make a donation to a selection of orphanages. Why? Because those kids have no parents at all, and because Tiger & his friends have most likely now destroyed a once happy, loving home for nothing. I know, you probably can't follow my logic, but it makes sense to me. (If you willingly destroy a happy home, you should be forced to help out people that haven't had a chance at a home at all!)
UGH! How selfish has society become?! It's not about US - it's his family.
And please, let's not get me started on the waste that is known as 'professional' sports - and despite the fact that Olympic participants are supposedly amateurs, know that I class them in the same category.
Ok - I think I'm done now. Please resume your life as it was 5 minutes ago.

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Emily's Valentine...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Diedrich Dare #23


Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bombshell Nose Art

PS - Don't forget about the blog candy!
Monday, February 15, 2010
PWCO Sunday Sketch #19

Saturday, February 13, 2010
PTI 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Day 13
Here's mine:

The colours look like crap, since the light is terrible - it's snowing like crazy here and it's a very dull day... which would be why I was using hot pink & bright orange - yay for summer colours! (Oh, and that's a kraft base.)
Finally - A Tutorial... How To Make A Notebook - Part 3
Step 11: Decorate as you wish - I attached a stamped image & some pretty heat-embossed paper on the Vinyl book... and I didn't do anything with this one, as it's a gift for a crafty friend - I just sent her a plethora of stamped images I know she doesn't have, so she can embellish it however she wants to!
And... TA DAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! You've got yourself a pretty little (almost) completely handmade notebook to do what you want with... and once you make one, it's pretty darn easy to crank out a bunch!
If you happen to use this tutorial, please link your creation via the Comment Section, and provide a link back to me, so others can enjoy this tutorial as well!
Thanks for sticking around for the whole thing - I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Friday, February 12, 2010
PTI 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Project Origami

Finally - A Tutorial... How To Make A Notebook - Part 2
Step 5: Cut slits on either side of your spine, just to where your cover begins, on both the top & bottom. This edge will be folded in later on, just to keep a clean edge and to prevent fraying.
Step 8: Unpeel the liner on your tape (except for the spine piece) and place your closure - I like mine more-or-less centered, coming from the back to the front. After you like your placement, add another small piece of tacky tape over top of the closure (again, maybe not necessary, but I like to be sure it's not coming out!) and then place your interior cover pieces over top of everything. I like to use white cardstock (or in the case of the vinyl book, just the white side of extra index cards) because I think it looks more 'professional' - you can use whatever you want. I trimmed these pieces down just a hair smaller than the actual covers; that's optional, if you're feeling lazy.

Ok...that's it for this session. Go take a breather & come back tomorrow for the Grande Finale.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Finally - A Tutorial... How To Make A Notebook - Part 1
Let's get started... (*Note - Photo FOLLOWS instructions.)
Got your stuff together? Good. Here we go...
Step 1: Measure your notepad or stack of index cards - Length, Width AND Height (of your pad/stack of cards). Mine is: 4.25" (L) x 3.5" (W) x 0.5" (H) - I actually used 3 notepads in order to get the height I wanted.
Step 2: Know what size cover you need to cut from your fabric. The formula I use is:
(width of notepad x 2) + (height of stack) + (1") <--- {This is the width of your cover piece}
(length of notepad) + (1") <--- {This is the length of your cover piece}
SO - my fabric is cut to approximately 8.5" x 5.25"... it doesn't have to be perfect, as these edges will be covered - just make sure you've got at least 0.5" of overhang on all sides, to fold over & secure your cover (a quarter inch would most likely work, too - but I like to be sure.)
Step 3: Find the centre of your fabric ON THE WRONG SIDE and place a strip of Tacky Tape over the center line, end to end. Leave the liner ON! Since I was working with 0.5" Tacky Tape, I only needed one strip; depending on what you're working with, either use wider or skinnier tape, or multiple pieces - if you're using more than one, make sure there are no gaps between the pieces!
Step 4: Place your Scrap Cardboard (cut to size of notepads, or just two extra Index Cards that are the same size as you're using for your pages) on either side of your centre line. With this stretchy fabric, I left a bit of extra space on either side of my 'spine' - I didn't need to do that when I used the vinyl, as it had no movement at all. When you're happy with your placement, and your covers are even, stick 'em down with your tacky tape.
Alright...that's enough for today. I'll be back with more tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Brynn's Birthday Cards...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Keith's Birthday Card
Monday, February 8, 2010
PTI Day 8's my take. Since I don't actually own any PTI products at all, (which would be why I'm entering the I had to make due with the cardstock colours I've got... and so, Smokey Shadow is now Black with White Ink Sponged All Over.
Anyone love Alice in Wonderland?!
With Sympathy
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bombshell February Sketch Challenge...
Friday, February 5, 2010
PWCO Sunday Sketch #18
PTI Day 5
Just because...
Here's my first go at using SU!'s treat cups....but since I wasn't sure how the recipient would feel about various edible candies, I decided to put in some crafty candy instead - a random mix of clear buttons.

And, since I didn't want her to have to tear the card to get the buttons, I made a removeable insert instead...which now can double as a bookmark - no sense in wasting paper! =)
(Front - above)
The cherries are all glittered...and I sprinkled some more glitter in the Mod Podge, too. The white ink on the monogram smeared a bit...but I think I like the effect. There was some glow-in-the-dark glitter on the monogram, too - but who knows if it's still there. (I'll test it later!)