Friday, September 3, 2010

Just doing a little updating...

...on el-bloggo... and have come to realize two things.

1) It's my big 2-5 on the 16th (ummm...ack!  *insert panic attack here* LOL).  Better get some candy together!!  (Watch for that... totally not ready yet!)

2) I'm at 187 'companions'.  (<-- There. That sounds better than 'followers'!)  If I hit - or surpass - 200 by my birthday, I'm thinking I better double up the candy offerings!

Y'all just think about that for a few days.
{smooshy hugs, 'cause I'm feelin' the lurve...}


  1. Smooshy hugs back atcha *mwah, mwah* :P

  2. Hi, Steph,
    I really like the schmoozy way you write! Very cool.
    Paula at MixedMediaManic.blogspot


Thanks for stopping by!